Thursday, May 19, 2016

Extol Toastmasters Club meeting no. 436 & AGM on 18 May 2016 at 7.15pm

Extol Toastmasters Club meeting no. 436 on 18 May 2016 at 7.15pm
Refreshment starts at 6.45pm
Theme:  Discipline is a virtue

Word of the day:  Deserve – verb

Meaning: Do something resulting in rewards or punishment

Example: Our club deserves the award for all our club members’ efforts.

General Evaluator: Dr Ravi, CC

ASA:  Joanne Kuek

TME:   Victor Guijo

Invocation:  Chloe Mah

Speaker 1:  CC#1 – Goh Chee Yong, CC – My journey, my story


Speaker 2:  CC#2 – Ooi Ui Cheau – Hello, football

Speaker 3:  CC#3 – Siti Khatijah – Re-exploring happiness

Evaluator 1: Tham Yen Lai

Evaluator 2: Sam Koh

Evaluator 3: SK Ratnam, DTM

Grammarian: Jeannie, ACG, ALB

Ah Counter:  Alan Fung

Timer:  Joanne Kuek

Best Speaker: Ooi Ui Cheau

Best Evaluator: SK Ratnam, DTM

Ice Breaker: Goh Chee Yong, CC


Secretary: Dr Ravi, CC

President present Annual Report: Ken Koh, ACS

Treasurer present Financial Report: Pun Yew Kee, CC, CL

Immediate Past President elect Club officers for 2016/2017: Jeannie, ACG, ALB

Club officers for the term 2016/2017
President: Sam Koh Yong Wah
Vice President Education: Siti Khatijah
Vice President Membership: Victor Guijo
Vice President Public Relations: Goh Chee Yong, CC
Treasurer: Tham Yen Lai
Secretary: Sam Seng Chung Yueh
Sergeant-At-Arms: Joanne Kuek

Committee members:
SK Ratnam, DTM
Kwa Ngan Eng, DTM
Pun Yew Kee, CC, CL
Jeannie, ACG, ALB
Mok Pei San, CC

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