Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A Night of Financial Crisis and YLP Marketing

Extol Toastmasters had its First Adv. Communication Meeting last night. We had a lot of guests during the evening, including the adorable Shu May, daughter of TM LF Chan, and Shu Mei, the adorable daughter of speaker then-CTM-now-ACB Wong Piang Yow.

Time flew as ACB Wong Piang Yow got the audience rapt in a game of financial strategy. It created an interesting opening to his talk on the impending Financial Crisis.

If a Financial Crisis coming within 5 years time didn't excite the audience, the following evaluation sure did the job. Our invited evaluators CTM Arthur Lai, (in house) DTM SK(ewer) Ratnam, and ACS ALB Soh Fong Wai, as well as the audience gave salvos after salvos of Crisis evaluation to our dear speaker.

After the exciting evaluation, TME Gerard "Pastor Lim" Tan allowed ACB Chuck to spread the word and to preach to the audience the upcoming Youth Leadership Programme.

After the sales talk, Chuck weathered some questions from the audience before the dynamite dynamic evaluation team picked their way through. Chuck was evaluated by CTM Arthur, ACS ALB Soh, and ATMG David Ann(pronounced "Ahn" as in Aunt). Again, our audience also took part in the grilling.

The faces and response of the audience, evaluators, and speakers showed that our first ACM was nothing short of a success. This ACM is a workable programme that can enhance our members speaking and organization skills. I am looking forward to our next ACM already!


PRIDE Support Breast Cancer research.

Div B Contests this Saturday, 2pm, at Sunway College.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sojourn: Shaklee Dynamics Toastmasters

CC Wong Piang Yow and I visited SD Toastmasters today. As their IPP B.H. Gan (a.k.a Big, Handsome Gun) had said it,"It is a small but high quality crowd." The meeting was quite energetic and well-run despite the sparse audience.

CC Wong presented the 5th assignment of his professionally speaking series project and he managed to "wow" the crowd with the prophecy of the impending economic crisis.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

We're back~!

My access to came to some glitches 2 months ago and so the site was left without any updates. Many sorries. Thanks to the good support chaps at and, access was restored today.

And so, we are back~!

Very soon, I will update on the activities of the past few weeks and the upcoming weeks.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

By-election Report for Extol's EGM

After a moving speech by ACB Ng Chak Ngoon, we conducted the EGM for By-Election. It was attended by 10 members meeting the quorum of Extol TMC.

The by-election was witnessed by AG CTM Gina Chan and conducted by DTM Kwa Ngan Eng.

Please welcome the following elected excos for the semester Jan - June 2008:

CC Marvin (President)
TM YP Koh (VP Public Relations)
DTM Patricia Tan (Sergeant-at-arms)

The other exco positions are maintained. When the time comes, please work with your elected representatives and offer whatever support they may require from you to make Extol Toastmasters the BEST CLUB in District 51!

Let's make this year a memorable one where all member worked together to make it the best place to learn public communication and leadership skills.

When the going gets tough the tougher gets going!

Explore, Excel, Extol!


The following is recorded for posterity:

Nomination for President
Marvin (1st YC, 2nd Gerard)
Francis (1st Marvin, 2nd Justin)

Closed by YP Koh (2nd Chak Ngoon)

Nomination for SAA
Patricia Tan (Volunteered, 2nd Gerard)

Closed by Nicholas (2nd YP Koh)

Nomination for VPPR

YP Koh (1st Marvin, 2nd Chak Ngoon)

Closed by YC (2nd Gerard).