Sunday, June 17, 2007

Joint Installation 2007

Click to enlarge.

Extol is proudly organizing a Joint Installation with our sister clubs in the Area: Subang, DiGi, and IEM Toastmasters.

Venue: Kota Permai Golf and Country Club, Kota Kemuning.
Date: 7 / 7 / 2007
Time: 7:07 pm (cocktail reception 6:07 pm)

Guest of Honour: Incoming District 51 Governor KK Chee.

Apart from installing the incoming officers and recognizing members' achievements, this event is also the perfect avenue for socializing with members from our sister clubs. Indeed, there will be performances, games, singing, and other activities associated with an evening of merriment.

We welcome all who are interested to attend this event. This annual event is the best way to bring out the camaraderie and spirit of Toastmasters!

Please contact or for further enquiries.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Meeting #230

We have a new furniture arrangement in our usual meeting place today.

I am impressed with DTM Ngan Eng's innovative table topics approach: weave a story that had each speaker continue where the previous speaker stopped. This idea should be integrated into one of our repertoire of table topics.

The story itself was convoluted and Steven Spielberg himself wouldn't have thought of the ending. It started with a homicidal Uncle knocking the back door then continuing on to Alien-mimicking, homicidal Kindergarteners who abducted an adult and put him/her into a cell.

YP Koh first role in Extol was as a Grammarian. He will be the incoming Ah Counter and I believe he will make our club rich with the "Ah Count Donation".

Talking about Ah Counting, our Ah Counter LF Chan also took on his first role in Extol. In his words, "I am lenient (because a few members had zero count), but when I give ONE Ah Count, it means that was a disaster." (or something to that effect).

We had Jennifer Lee as our guest. She enjoyed the meeting and she looks forward to visiting our next meeting.