Friday, January 23, 2015

EXTOL TOASTMASTERS CLUB Meeting No. 405 on 21 Jan 2015 at 7.00pm

Standing: From left: Pun Yew Kee, Sunny, Michael, ACB, CL, Dr. Alvin, ACS, Ken Koh, ACB, Jeannie, ACS, Sa, Irene, Ravi, Pei San, Loh Jian Kit, SK Ratnam, DTM.   Front: from left: Karren Lim, Kwa Ngan Eng, DTM, Shirley Bak, DTM

For our first regular meeting in the year 2015, we had “endurance” as the Word of the Day in line with our theme, “Never give up, always persevere”. This is the New Year resolution for our club.

General Evaluator, Loh Jian Kit

We gladly and warmly welcomed Loh Jian Kit from Sunway Toastmasters Club as our General Evaluator. Thank you, Jian Kit for gracing our meeting.

We also welcomed our guests, Sam, Ravi, Sunny and Irene for being with us. Both Sam and Ravi joined our club after the meeting. Welcome, Sam and Ravi to our happy Extol TMC family!

ASA, Ken Koh, ACB

The meeting was called to order by ASA, Ken Koh, ACB at 7.20pm as some role players were delayed by the heavy downpour. Well done, Ken!

TME, Pun Yew Kee

TME, Pun Yew Kee, conducted the whole meeting in his most efficient and effective manner. Excellent management skills, Yew Kee!

President, Jeannie, ACS

President, Jeannie, ACS boosted the spirits of all who were present, to always exercise endurance, never give up and persevere even when faced with daunting obstacles, unrelenting struggles and persistent problems. Well said, Jeannie!

Dr. Alvin Teoh, ACS

Grammarian and Listening Evaluator, Dr. Alvin Teoh, ACS introduced the Word Of The Day, “Endurance” and also explained his role as a Listening Evaluator. Thank you for taking on two roles excellently well, Dr. Alvin!

Kwa Ngan Eng, DTM

The invocator, Kwa Ngan Eng, DTM inspired us with her life story, how she endured and persevered in the face of disheartening situations and triumphed in the end. We were greatly inspired by you, Ngan Eng!

Ken Koh, ACB

Table Topics Master, Ken Koh, ACB conducted a very interactive, invigorating and interesting session reiterating on the Word of the Day “Endurance” and Theme of the meeting, “ Never give up, always persevere” 

His topics ranged from whether Is learning painful?” attempted by Jeannie, ACS, “Do successful people failed many times?” by Ravi, “Which person continue persevering in the face of obstacles?” by SK Ratnam, DTM, “Do disabled people inspire abled people?” by Loh Jian Kit and “Is perseverance a sign of hope?” by Kwa Ngan Eng, DTM. Well done, Ken!

From left: Pun Yew Kee, Ravi, Jeannie, ACS

And the best Table Topics Speaker went to Ravi. Congratulations, Ravi!

SK Ratnam, DTM

Humour Master, SK Ratnam, DTM tickled our funny bones with four hilarious stories, one about four guys daring each other to jump from the Empire State building, the second about a boy who constantly lied to his parents, the third about two men who tricked a priest to drown in a river and the last about a tricky man who was celebrating his fortieth wedding anniversary. You are a great joker, SK!

Shirley Bak, DTM

Shirley Bak, DTM, the Table Topics Evaluator did a great job evaluating all the five brave spontaneous speakers. Awesome job, Shirley!

Pei San

Pei San presented CC#4 titled, “How to boost our confidence with body language” outlining six tips which not only helped enhance our outward appearance, improve our body posture and our health as well!. Impressive speech, San! 

Shirley Bak, DTM

Shirley Bak, DTM, her evaluator, stated that her speech incorporated rhetorical devises and creative words and was very well done. Thank you, Shirley!

Ken Koh, ACB

Next, Ken Koh, ACB did an Advance Manual speech from Storytelling #2 titled, “Dare to be champion”, which highlighted the goals we need to overcome to reach eventual success! Well said, Ken!

SK Ratnam, DTM

His evaluator, SK Ratnam, DTM was happy with his speech which met the speech objectives. Thank you, SK!

Jeannie, ACS

Final speaker, Jeannie, ACS presented Special Occasion Speech #5,”Accepting an Award”  titled, “I am honoured”. The setting was when Jeannie, ACS received the Toastmasters of the Year award for the term 2013-2014. She related how and why she joined Toastmasters which led to her receipt of the Toastmasters of the Year award. A very sincere and gratifying speech, Jeannie!

Kwa Ngan Eng, DTM

Evaluator, Kwa Ngan Eng, DTM was impressed with the speech which was very insightful and met all the speech objectives, too. Thank you, Ngan Eng!

From left: Pun Yew Kee, Pei San, Jeannie, ACS

From left: Pun Yew Kee, Kwa Ngan Eng, DTM, Jeannie, ACS

The Best Speaker was Pei San and the Best Evaluator was Kwa Ngan Eng, DTM. Congratulations, San and Ngan Eng!

Michael Wong, ACB, CL

Michael Wong, ACB, CL from REAL Toastmasters Club took up double roles as Ah Counter and Timer efficiently. Welll done, Michael! 

Dr. Alvin Teoh, ACS

Dr. Alvin Teoh, ACS from Sunway Toastmasters Club, the Listening Evaluator picked ten very straight-forward questions.  Marvellous job, Dr. Alvin! 

From left: Pun Yew Kee, Shirley Bak, DTM,
SK Ratnam, DTM, Jeannie, ACS

Incredibly for the first time in Extol Toastmasters Club history, both SK Ratnam, DTM and Shirley Bak, DTM both scored nine points and both were awarded the Best Listener awards.

General Evaluator, Loh Jian Kit

General Evaluator, Loh Jian Kit was awed by the warm welcome from the members and the professional proceedings of the meeting and he professed that he had learnt a lot from the meeting. Thank you, Jian Kit, and we welcome you to our meetings again!

President, Jeannie, ACS

In closing, President, Jeannie, ACS announced that Ken Chan, DTM from Money-Mastery KL Toastmasters Club will be delivering an educational talk from the Better Speaker Series, “Conquering your fear” which will be very informative, enlightening and helpful for all to overcome their public speaking phobia. 

Ken Chan, DTM

All are invited to attend his stimulating speech which will help us to be efficient, effective and excellent

 Area C5 International Speech 
and Table Topics Contests 
at 12noon on 7th Feb 2015  

Wisma IJM, Jalan Yong Shook Lin, Petaling Jaya

President Jeannie, ACS also announced that the Area C5 International Speech and Table Topics Contests will be held on 7 February 2015 at Wisma IJM, Jalan Yong Shook Lin, Petaling Jaya at 12.00noon.  All club members, do go and support our club champions!

With this, goodnight and see you at our next meeting on 4th February 2015!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Extol Toastmasters Meeting No. 404 on 07 Jan 2015 in conjunction with: International Speech & Table Topics Contests

Despite the daunting weather condition, we arrived early full of enthusiam for our exciting International Speech and Table Topics Contests. 

The venue was quickly set up and ready for the contests in our usual “Efficient, Effective, Excellent” way!

Assistant Sergeant-At-Arms, Pun Yew Kee and Kwa Ngan Eng, DTM

At 7.00pm, after the briefing of the contestants and role players,   Assistant Sergeant-At-Arms, Pun Yew Kee started the meeting.

President Jeannie Carrera, CC and Pun Yew Kee

International Speech Contest Chair, Wong Keng Lan, CC and Pun Yew Kee


After President Jeannie Carrera, CC gave her presidential address, Organizing Chair, Pun Yew Kee introduced the International Speech Contest Chair, Wong Keng Lan, CC who started the ball rolling.

SK Ratnam and Pun Yew Kee

First contestant, SK Ratnam presented a spectacularly inspiring speech about the third person in us and how we can derive happiness, harmony and success by the understanding of this concept. 

Obaidullah and Pun Yew Kee

Second contestant, Obaidullah also gave an awe-inspiring speech about equality among mankind with references to Martin Luther King and President Barack Obama and how this equality will unite the world.

Jeannie Carrera Chow and Pun Yew Kee

Third contestant, Jeannie Carrera Chow related an entertaining story reminiscing the time when she was lost as a child of six, the harrowing adventures she experienced and how she was eventually rescued by her pet dog.

All the speeches were within the allocated time frame. Well done, contestants!

Chief Judge, Steven Khaw, CC, CL and Table Topics Contest Chair, Wong Keng Lan, CC

After a break of 10 minutes, Table Topics Contest Chair, Wong Keng Lan, CC commenced the next contest session.

From left: Table Topics Contest Chair, Wong Keng Lan, CC, SK Ratnam, Jeannie, Obaidullah, Tan Joke Boey and PunYew Kee 

The Table Topics contestants, SK Ratnam, Obaidullah and Jeannie Carrera presented their speeches based on the title ‘If you can teach something, what will you teach?” within the allocated time frame except Tan Joke Boey who was over enthusiastic and was time-disqualified.

Chief Judge, Steven Khaw, CC, CL and Pun Yew Kee

After the contests ended, Chief Judge, Steven Khaw, CC, CL, the Ballot Counter and Timer went off to compile the contest results.

Organising Chair, Pun Yew Kee and Contest Chair, Wong Keng Lan, CC presented certificates and tokens to all the contestants and role players.

After which, Contest Chair, Wong Keng Lan, CC invited the International Speech contestants to share why they chose the specific speech topics for the contest.

Jeannie and Obaidullah

The three International Speech contestants, SK Ratnam, Obaidullah and Jeannie gamely gave their reasons for choosing the particular topics for the contest while waiting for the contest results.

At last, the suspense ended when Chief Judge, Steven Khaw, CC, CL returned with the list of winners.

The winners for the International Speech Contest were: 

Champion: Jeannie Carrera Chow
1st Runner-Up: Obaidullah
2nd Runner-Up: SK Ratnam

From left: Table Topics Contest Chair, Wong Keng Lan, CC, SK Ratnam, Jeannie, Obaidullah and PunYew Kee 

The winners for the Table Topics Contest were: 

Champion: Jeannie Carrera Chow
1st Runner-Up: SK Ratnam
2nd Runner-Up: Obaidullah

From left: Table Topics Contest Chair, Wong Keng Lan, CC, Obaidullah, Jeannie, SK Ratnam and PunYew Kee

Congratulations to all the winners! The Champion for both the contests, Jeannie Carrera Chow will represent Summit Toastmasters Club at Area C3 of which she is a member and was the lone contestant on 5 January 2015. 

Jeannie Carrera Chow and Pun Yew Kee

Therefore, SK Ratnam will represent Extol Toastmasters Club at the Area C5 International Speech and Table Topics Contest as Obaidullah will be returning to Afghanistan on 26 January 2015. Au revoir, Obaidullah!!

SK Ratnam and Pun Yew Kee

Pun Yew Kee and Obaidullah

Organising Chair, Pun Yew Kee thanked Chief Judge, Steven Khaw, CC, CL, by presenting tokens to him and his panel of judges. Thank you, Steven and the judges.

Pun Yew Kee and Chief Timer & Ballot Counter, Kwa Ngan Eng, DTM

Assistant SAA Ler Kiat See and Pun Yew Kee

Assistant Timer, Rachel Tin and Pun Yew Kee

Pun Yew Kee and Assistant Ballot Counter, Pei San

Our deepest gratitude and appreciation to all the role players and contestants for making this event a success! 

Until the next International Speech and Table Topics Contests, goodbye. 

Have a safe journey home!

Area C3 & C5  International Speech and Table Topics Contests

SK Ratnam, DTM and Jeannie, ACS